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2006-09-17 - 11:17 p.m.

Well, it has been forever since I have posted and I promised to let everyone know the good or bad news about the position I was applying for....well....I got the job and I have been working for months. It has been the greatest learning experience of my life. Its a very stressful position but it makes me proud to work there. I finally have a career I don't mind people knowing about, and a career I will not be judged for having. I hated hearing that I could have a better job, and this happened every time I passed someone I knew, or went to a family get together. So now I can just breathe and take in this experience. I am not sure I will be doing this for the rest of my life...but for right now it fits. The people I work with seem real nice...but also seem to want to try and improve cuts, makeup, weight loss, boyfriends uggh. I just wish it could all be simple lol. Anyways its late and I must be up at 5am so its time for bed. I wish I could dream of my job or have a deja vu moment....cause that is how I know I am doing what I am supposed to be doing with my life right has not happened so far and it bothers me cause it usually does. No matter what stage in life I am seems I have been there already and with this job...I haven't been there lets hope I am where I am supposed to be in life. Goodnight :)



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